> Nick Hibma wrote:
> > 
> > > > Please review the following patch to get all the log files in one place.
> > > > The commit will be accompanied by a HEADS UP. If no one objects I will
> > > > commit this in a couple of days.
> > >
> > >       The only thing I don't like about this is that it introduces a point of
> > > incompatibility between FreeBSD and other unices, and I'm not sure the
> > > benefit is worth it. I would bring up the idea of creating a symlink in
> > > /var/log, but I know that the purists would never approve of that...
> > 
> > What about the other way around?
>       I could definitely live with that. I'm really not _against_ the change,
> and I do see the point of making things consistent. But I'm coming from the
> standpoint of someone who's trying to introduce freebsd into a previously
> all-sun shop, and every single little thing that's different gets me a
> funny look and N minutes of explanation as to why we do things the way we
> do. Personally I've taken to symlink'ing /var/adm/messages on the sun
> boxes, so having a symlink the other way around in this case is fine with
> me. 

Every time they ask you why we do things the way we do, and after you
have taken the N minutes to explain it, ask them to go ask Sun the
same question, out of fairness to FreeBSD.  It might put these ``Sun is
the world'' guys back into thier place.  Or atleast it might get them
off your back about these somewhat minor changes that are mostly made
to make things clean and consistent.

Rod Grimes - KD7CAX - (RWG25)                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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