Please review the following patch to get all the log files in one place.
The commit will be accompanied by a HEADS UP. If no one objects I will
commit this in a couple of days.
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/UPDATING,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -w -r1.43 UPDATING
--- UPDATING 1999/08/31 17:07:14 1.43
+++ UPDATING 1999/09/05 09:27:27
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
This file is maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please send new entries
directly to him. See end of file for further details.
+ /var/cron/log has been moved to /var/log/cron.log to get all the
+ log files in one place.
tn3270 has been removed from the based system and added as a port.
Index: etc//Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.204
diff -u -w -r1.204 Makefile
--- Makefile 1999/08/27 23:23:40 1.204
+++ Makefile 1999/09/05 09:26:11
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
${INSTALL} -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 755 ${BIN2} ${DESTDIR}/etc; \
${INSTALL} -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 644 defaults/rc.conf
${DESTDIR}/etc/defaults/; \
${INSTALL} -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 600 /dev/null \
- ${DESTDIR}/var/cron/log; \
+ ${DESTDIR}/var/log/cron.log; \
${INSTALL} -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 600 \
master.passwd ${DESTDIR}/etc; \
( cd ${.CURDIR}/periodic; ${MAKE} install );\
Index: etc//newsyslog.conf
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/newsyslog.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -w -r1.23 newsyslog.conf
--- newsyslog.conf 1999/08/27 23:23:42 1.23
+++ newsyslog.conf 1999/09/05 09:26:25
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/newsyslog.conf,v 1.23 1999/08/27 23:23:42 peter Exp $
# logfilename [owner:group] mode count size when [ZB] [/pid_file]
-/var/cron/log 600 3 100 * Z
+/var/log/cron.log 600 3 100 * Z
/var/log/amd.log 664 7 100 * Z
/var/log/kerberos.log 664 7 100 * Z
/var/log/lpd-errs 664 7 100 * Z
Index: etc//syslog.conf
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/syslog.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -w -r1.11 syslog.conf
--- syslog.conf 1999/08/27 23:23:45 1.11
+++ syslog.conf 1999/09/05 09:26:39
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
security.* /var/log/security /var/log/maillog /var/log/lpd-errs
-cron.* /var/cron/log
+cron.* /var/log/cron.log
*.err root
*.notice;news.err root
*.alert root
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