:The problem I see with this is teh resource load in times of critical
:resource shortage. If you need to suddenly generate a writable page.. 
:where does the page come from? If resources are not available, I guess you
:could just stall the write until the original page is reconstituted (after
:soft updates remerges backed out data), but there is the danger that the
:write request could be very large, and that duplicated data could be both
:very expensive and very "surprising" to the system.
:Still it's an intriguing concept. How much CPU do you "use" to generate
:the writable copies before you start going backwards in performance.

    This was the first thing I considered.  It turns out to be a non-problem
    because you've already initiated the I/O - if you have a critical resource
    shortage the blockage occurs in a process context and not an interrupt
    context, and the you are guarenteed a page will become available 'soon'.

    Duplicating the data is almost certainly not going to be as expensive
    as waiting for the I/O to complete would be.  And it really doesn't happen
    all that often since the buffer cache normally operates in an LRU fashion.
    Where it wins the most is that it allows the filesystem to do write-behind
    without intefering with performance.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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