Colin, I am only slowly realising the impact of the points you have made. :)

>> On 20 Dec 2020, at 18:33, Colin Percival <> wrote:
>> * The EC2 API "shutdown" / "reboot" message is sent via a pl061 GPIO device
>> and we're dropping it on the floor; consequently "reboot" does nothing at
>> all, while "shutdown" does nothing until EC2 times out and does a hard
>> poweroff (without filesystems being unmounted etc).

I have noticed a bunch of artefacts left over from unclean shutdowns, which I 
assume are caused by the above not calling the shutdown rc.d scripts. Do you 
know if this is likely to get implemented any time soon, or are you aware of a 
simple workaround?

I have to say that in general I am finding FreeBSD 12.2 on t4g pretty good and 
surprisingly stable. The CPU utilisation is different in terms of metrics, and 
I cannot quite put my finger on it, but the web apps seem to run faster. Of 
course, it is nice that it is also cheaper.

Rafal Lukawiecki
Data Scientist 
Project Botticelli Ltd
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