>> Oh, and a generic ARM issue: It's not a Tier 1 platform yet, so 
>> freebsd-update
>> doesn't work and packages aren't always as up-to-date as on x86.  But I think
>> those are being worked on...

Colin, would I be able to build an updated RELEASE in the AMI maker before I 
call mkami? In the days of 11.1 I had to recompile the kernel to use your patch 
(many thanks!) and so I did something like this:

$ svnlite --non-interactive --trust-server-cert-failures=unknown-ca co 
https://svn.freebsd.org/base/releng/11.1/ /usr/src/
$ make DESTDIR=/mnt kernel -j16

I am not sure what magic is being done by the AMI maker itself to /mnt. I 
wonder if I could use this approach to build the kernel using the latest 
patched release of ARM, at least until it moves to Tier 1. Would I need to 
build the userland, too? Or are the security patches installed by 
freebsd-update only affecting the kernel?

Thanks for your help, as always.
Rafal Lukawiecki
Data Scientist 
Project Botticelli Ltd
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