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27.08.2018, 19:54, "Bastien Nocera" <had...@hadess.net>:

On Mon, 2018-08-27 at 18:33 +0300, Timo Teras wrote:


 On Mon, 27 Aug 2018 12:56:21 +0200
 Bastien Nocera <had...@hadess.net> wrote:

 > On Thu, 2018-08-23 at 13:19 +0000, Kleyson de Sousa Rios wrote:
 > > To test I'm basically using the examples/ tools, and seems that
 > > the
 > > drive_data has the correct value 5.
 > Looks like the device's output isn't always encrypted. Timo, could
 > you
 > check whether this change makes sense? Kleyson, could you please
 > test
 > it?


 I remember it was confusing that 4500 reports as 4000B; the only
 difference seemed to be encryption. There's probably some frame or
 config flag which will tell if it's encrypted or not. Would be nice
 we eventually used that instead of the heuristic.

 But what comes to the patch, now that encryption is always in auto
 mode, why not just delete the whole encryption flag? You probably
 need to set the v/h flipped flags based on if the image was really
 encrypted or not.

 But the generic idea sounds ok to me until we get more insight if
 there's a reliable indication somewhere about encryption.

I would probably want to do this if only I had access to both types of
devices, unfortunately, I don't even have one of them.

Do the 4500 and 4000B have the same USB IDs? Maybe different endpoints,
or properties on those endpoints?

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