On Wed, 2018-08-22 at 19:02 +0000, Kleyson de Sousa Rios wrote:
> Hi Bastien,
> I figured out that if I comment out the following "if statement", to
> force the execution of the respective code, I get a non-encrypted
> image.
> For the validation "if (!urudev->profile->encryption)" be true,
> should I set some flag/parameter for the driver on the Linux or is
> the urudev->profile->encryption calculated at run-time ?

It's supposed to be set here:

and the "driver_data" value should be the one from this table:

Can you please check what the value is for driver_data when dev_init()
is called? It should be 5.

What tool did you use for testing? It's possible that the tool has a
bug, and doesn't call fp_async_dev_open() or fp_dev_open() with a
correct value.


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