> Partly, as I said, wanting to represent the board consensus. Partly
> because things were so very uncivil in the heat of it. I got called
> (among other things) an ugly American, a prude, freedom-hating, and a
> poor representative of my profession. I just didn't feel like
> dignifying any of that with engagement.

I am not sure where and in what context these accusations were made (I can
not recollect seeing any of them), but in any case, be it on wiki or on a
mailing list, each of them is uncivil, constitutes a personal attack, and
must be stopped by a warning, a block or by putting the offender on
moderation. This level of discussion is absolutely unacceptable and can not
be tolerated in our community.

BTW I think that being an open-minded and able to change opinions is a
very appropriate quality for a Trustee.


PS I have whatsoever no relation to the elections as I am not a member of
any Chapter.

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