A bit of context for those who haven't been following those pages -- a
draft of those principles (going hand in hand with funds dissemination
principles) was proposed by the WMF board and submitted for community
review and input. After a few months of this, the board is now voting
to approve a final set of principles, which we are going to give to
the WMF & ED to guide future proposals for how monies are raised (not
just during the banner campaign but in general, including the issue of
chapter and group fundraising) and how funds are distributed.

Basically, the board wanted to start from a good set of principles and
go from there, to make sure anything we do fits in with general
community-vetted guidelines. We are also trying to get this process
done quickly enough that chapters and the WMF staff can plan in good
time for 2012's fundraiser (since work on fundraising generally starts
in the spring and goes the rest of the year), and in time for the
annual planning process (the annual plan is approved in the early

So yes, it is good that this discussion about fundraising mirrors that
discussion :)

-- phoebe
(WMF Board of Trustees)

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Oliver Keyes <oke...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Check the IP history; Jan-Bart added them ;p
> On 4 January 2012 16:21, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Check the page history - I don't think those bits were added by the
>> foundation.
>> On Jan 4, 2012 3:26 PM, "WereSpielChequers" <werespielchequ...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Re Tom's suggestion that we have an RFC on meta to discuss what we are
>> and
>> > aren't prepared to do when fundraising; We already have a discussion at
>> > Meta
>> >
>> >
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Draft_Guiding_principles_with_regards_to_fundraising
>> > .
>> > Funny thing is that debate has almost been the mirror of here with the
>> > Foundation proposing things like "Fundraising in line with our mission
>> and
>> > values: Our fundraising activities should aim to raise a movement budget
>> > using only methods that strengthen our mission and values and communicate
>> > them to all of our users and the world" and even "All Wikimedia
>> fundraising
>> > activities should be truthful with prospective donors."
>> >
>> > May I suggest that we revive that overly quiet discussion?
>> >
>> > WSC
>> >

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