On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 6:43 PM, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:
> Oliver Keyes wrote:
>> To reply to Jussi; I think we're uniformly confused as to what you think is
>> the link between an encyclopedia written by experts, and an encyclopedia
>> that asks average joes to provide comments on articles (other than the
>> "encyclopedia" bit, of course :-)). If you want this thread to go anywhere
>> productively on that issue, you should probably start by explaining what
>> you see as the link.
> Past versions of this extension have included a call for people to
> self-identify as experts (or as "highly knowledgeable") in an article's
> topic.[1]
> It seems like version 5 no longer includes this checkbox,[2] but I think
> it's slightly unreasonable to suggest that only "average Joes" are being
> asked to provide comments on articles.
> I read Cimon's concerns as this tool (and future iterations) moving closer
> to the idea of expert-approved or expert-endorsed revisions (implicitly or
> explicitly). It's an interesting dichotomy between the extension's stated
> goal of trying to attract new users and the extension's past (and present?)
> interface that encourages self-identified expert commentary, isn't it?

I do apologize if I am undedrmining your defense of my personal position.
I do not think the aims of the mechanism are wrong. But I *do* think the
mechanism itself and any attempts to fashion such in a universe of human
beings is totally and fundamentally disrespectful towards reality. That is the
hard shoulder.

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, ~ [[User:Cimon Avaro]]

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