On 09/12/2011 10:26 AM, Thomas Morton wrote:
> Although it does lead to another question; a lot of studies are conducted
> around the world, many of them would benefit dramatically from publicity on
> a "top-5" website. How far does supporting those that ask go?

I think we should do our best to help.  Mind you, not that many studies 
would benefit that strongly from such exposure - we /are/ a pretty 
biased sample, and unless the study is actually interested in 
participants in a collaborative endeavor (as this once clearly was) they 
are unlikely to come to us for support.

I suppose if there ends up being many of them, we'd have to sit down and 
find some more streamlined system.  Perhaps a landing page where such 
projects are collected, and a pointer to /that/ instead.  Or something 
else we haven't thought of yet.

The point is, I think this is the first that wasn't done informally with 
talk page invitations or email; so they're breaking new ground.  Kinks 
and ruffled feathers are par for the course anytime you try something new.

-- Coren / Marc

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