On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Tom Morris <t...@tommorris.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 08:09, Möller, Carsten <c.moel...@wmco.de> wrote:
> > No, we need to harden the wall agaist all attacks by hammers,
> screwdrivers and drills.
> > We have consensus: Wikipedia should not be censored.
> >
> You hold strong on that principle. Wikipedia should not be censored!
> Even if that censorship is something the user initiates, desires, and
> can turn off at any time, like AdBlock.
> Glad to see that Sue Gardner's warnings earlier in the debate that
> people don't get entrenched and fundamentalist but try to honestly and
> charitably see other people's points of view has been so well heeded.

My question is, Is this really something that WMF should be spending its
time and resources on?

In case of AdBlock, it's a third party extension for browsers. They were
designed to fill a need, a need most people here can't seem to find, that
compelled the board to enact this. Why has there been no third-party
solution or anything close to this filter developed independently?

Why should we spend donor money to develop tools to censor our own content?
I thought the goal was gathering the sum of all human knowledge not all
knowledge minus controversial content.

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