On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 10:34:16AM +0100, Andre Engels wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Jussi-Ville Heiskanen
> <cimonav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Our core mission is making information and knowledge available to
> people who want it, not pushing it down their throats against their
> will.

Well, people actually have to surf over to wikipedia to be able to
get any information, it's not like we jump them in the streets :-P

But I kid. ;-) I don't think that "pro-" versus "contra-" censorship is
actually even the correct narrative.

Basically, we were all standing around looking at this screw that
needs to be put into the wall; and the board came with a mandate
"Let's make a hammer!"

* Some people went: "Yeah, the screw needs to go in!"
* Other people went: "No way, hammers don't work on screws!"
* A few people went: "Dude, shouldn't we use some long object that we
can twist or something?" 

Somehow the discussion has devolved to respectively 
* "Why do you want the screw to stick out?" versus 
* "Why do you want to hit our thumb?"...

... but -if we want to reach consensus[1]- what we really need to be
discussing is: screwdrivers.

        Kim Bruning

[1] I know, boring old fuddy duddy consensus. Controversy is much
more fun. ;-) But it takes away so much energy that could be used
for other stuff. I'd really like to finish this and actually have
some time left for editor retention -like- this year or so? :-)

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