The only exeptable filter would be a _strictly_ personal one.

Stored on the users computer in an encrypeted file, which he can transfer from 
one computer on his memorystick or CD to the other if logged in with the same 
username, but not to be shared with others.

Never ever to be stored on any computer under the influence of the WMF and paid 
by money donated in favour of free content.

And even that would be a great compromise, as the WMF would provide the tools 
to limit excess to knowledge.

Every other option would make users vulnerable to requests to use the file of 
"Big Brother" and to update it in regular intervalls.
And the foundation respectively the board is not able to suggest a list of 
images unsuitable to "women in the developing south" or "schools in the bible 
belt" or "users with red-green blindness" or or.

It's time to stop this stupid idea altogether and concentrate not to loose more 
longtime users.
Good editorial work in the open, which includes choice of images. No censors in 
the background.


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