Clearly some editors hate this. on DE 86% oppose it. Though there are also
some "committed core editors" amongst those who think that such a system is
both workable and possible to harmonise with our core values.

One of the objections is that we don't want a Flickr style system which
involves images being deleted, accounts being suspended and the burden of
filtering being put on the uploader.

Another objection is that we don't want a system that gives extra work to
those who don't want the filter.

One of my objections that I hope some others share is that an IP based
system inevitably means one person deciding what others may see - which to
my mind is the point where an image filter becomes a censor.

For obvious reasons we don't want a system that creates a publicly available
set of filters that net nannies of various descriptions could use to stop
other people from seeing things that they deemed inappropriate.

So here's my proposal for a system which I think could work:

   - If, and only if, you are a logged in user, there is an image filter
   option that you can opt into.
   - This filter gives you four basic options, with the description and

Wikimedia does not censor legal images on its sites. But you can choose not
to have certain images shown to you.

   1. Hide all images and just show caption and description. (recommended
   for users with slow internet connections)
   2. Show all images except ones I decide not to see again
   3. Show all images except ones that I or another editor have decided not
   to see again
   4. Show all images

   - Advanced options

Warning! This feature is new and many images have not yet been checked.
Hopefully, like a spam filter it will get more effective as participants
decide to filter out images they don't want to see.  Don't worry that others
might be offended by material you find educational, once you've seen the
caption and description of a filtered image you can still override the
filter and see the image.

   - Advanced options would only work in combination with options 2 and 3.
   If clicked it would enable the user to pick various categories from the
   Commons category menu to exclude or include from their personal filter (this
   would not affect other people's filters the same way as  an editor blocking
   an image). But it could prompt people with options such as twenty most
   frequent categories that other editors have chosen to block, and other
   people who chosen to block that category have often chosen to block x, y and
   z as well.
   - Anyone with a registered account will be able to use this, even if they
   never edit.
   - This is purely to enable people to make choices as to what they see -
   no-one can force their choices on others, make suggestions yes but not
   - Whether or not you have chosen to use the filter and if so the settings
   you choose is private and personal to you. Statistics will be collected on
   an anonymised basis showing how many are using the filter and what in
   general it is used for, and anonymised data will be available so that users
   can choose to filter out images that others have decided to filter.

So is there a simpler way to do this, is there some flaw in this that would
prevent it working, or is this the flying unicorn option?



> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 10:50:31 +0300
> From: Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List
>        <>
> Message-ID:
>        <
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Look, the committed core editors that would be necessary to keep any
> filtering scheme from being two Titanics heading for each other, just
> hate the whole idea, so it isn't going to fly, folks!
> --
> --
> Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, ~ [[User:Cimon Avaro]]
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