On 09/03/11 4:06 AM, Milos Rancic wrote:
> Just a bit of different perspective: I could make a list of chapters,
> besides WM RS, which would be happy to get a representative from WMF
> (but from any other bigger chapter, as well) in their Board, if that
> means that the representative would really do something.
> For a number of chapters it is not a matter of having influence from
> any other entity, but a matter of getting one person capable to help
> chapter.

So it's not really a question of having someone on their Board.  And 
it's not a question of a person who must be from the WMF.  A person 
helping from another chapter would do just as well, and that would not 
raise apprehensions about being under a head office thumb. The helper 
would not need to be mentioned in any by-laws.  His task would be to 
help the chapter for a predetermined amount of with whatever tasks were 
agreed to between the two chapters.  The donor chapter could even 
continue to pay his salary. if he were an employee.


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