On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 7:58 AM, church.of.emacs.ml <
church.of.emacs...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 08/14/2011 11:41 PM, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:
> > I support the idea of language contact persons, or ambassadors, but
> > their appointment shouldn't be as rigidly regulated as the appointment
> > of administrators.
> I agree, instead of only two responsible persons there should be a group
> of people who are A) in intense communication with each other, B) post
> WMF/foundation-l news on their wiki, C) summarize and post to
> WMF/foundation-l what's bothering the local community (also positive
> feedback).
> If they are volunteers, you can't force them to post monthly reports on
> foundation-l (encourage them instead) or demand too much of them. And
> you shouldn't put them through an elaborate voting process, since anyone
> can help and afaik not much harm has been done in that area.
> There are already ambassadors, originally for the monobook->vector
> switch, but not much has happened since then. The mailing list is inactive:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikitech-ambassadors
> The ideas of wiki ambassadors (general, not restricted to usability or
> technical matters) should be revived. I think it worked okay for the
> usability initiative with much room for improvement.
> Regards,
> Tobias
I love this idea, and of reviving the Wikipedia ambassadors/embassies idea.
One good focus point for reviving them might be to create a language report
the way Ziko suggests -- another idea I love.

Let's do it! What's the best way to encourage embassies, especially on small
projects that may have never had them before?

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