On 08/14/2011 11:41 PM, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:
> I support the idea of language contact persons, or ambassadors, but
> their appointment shouldn't be as rigidly regulated as the appointment
> of administrators.
I agree, instead of only two responsible persons there should be a group
of people who are A) in intense communication with each other, B) post
WMF/foundation-l news on their wiki, C) summarize and post to
WMF/foundation-l what's bothering the local community (also positive

If they are volunteers, you can't force them to post monthly reports on
foundation-l (encourage them instead) or demand too much of them. And
you shouldn't put them through an elaborate voting process, since anyone
can help and afaik not much harm has been done in that area.

There are already ambassadors, originally for the monobook->vector
switch, but not much has happened since then. The mailing list is inactive:

The ideas of wiki ambassadors (general, not restricted to usability or
technical matters) should be revived. I think it worked okay for the
usability initiative with much room for improvement.


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