LOL. If that's the case it would be a good reason for changing the OR 
policy. It would also make sense to quote non-English sources in their 
original language unless the translation itself is verifiable.

On 07/27/11 4:36 PM, M. Williamson wrote:
> Well then, Ray, en.wp would not be able to use non-English sources since all
> translation is interpretation and would therefore be considered OR which is
> not allowed at Wikipedia.
> 2011/7/27 Ray Saintonge<
>> On 07/27/11 12:42 PM, Wjhonson wrote:
>>> David how is an exact quote a summary or interpretation?
>>> An exact quote, backed up by the actual audio track is... exact.
>>> You are not summarizing it, and you are not interpreting it either.
>>> You are presenting it.
>> If that is to be the case the exact quote MUST be in its original
>> language.  All translations require interpretation.
>> Ray

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