On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Alec Conroy <alecmcon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I feel that basically _is_ the role of the board.   I feel like my
> dream board personified is a little like a judo master.   When push to
> rule on a dispute, usually they should pull that energy and
> productively deflect that energy back to the community.

That is a lovely metaphor, though I occasionally feel in this role
more like a student of Zen (complete with koans to study!)

I will say that the Board drafted these resolutions with good faith
and a great deal of care, and the one thing I would ask as you debate
them is to consider them as a whole. We think all of the principles we
articulate are important, and have implications for how we manage our
content. And a few of you have noted that these ideas are not new; of
course that's true. We are simply building on the work that many
community members have done over the years on this difficult problem.

If there are specific questions for the board, I or other trustees can
try to answer them; but there are of course many areas of debate and
opinion where we can only speak for ourselves individually. "The
board's opinion", such as it is, is expressed in the resolutions.

-- phoebe

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