On 1 June 2011 22:05, Michael Snow <wikipe...@frontier.com> wrote:
> On 6/1/2011 2:03 PM, Milos Rancic wrote:
>> "Wikimedia projects are curated and edited collections, according to
>> certain principles: namely, we host only content that is both free and
>> educational in nature."
>> So Board said that Wikinews is out of scope. Its nature is
>> informational, not educational.
> I'm sorry, but I don't understand what distinction you're trying to
> make. In this context, those look like synonyms to me.
They aren't synonyms, although there is a lot of overlap. To inform
means to provide information to. Educating involves understanding and
skills too. I think Wikinews can both inform and educate, though.

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