On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 18:29, Aryeh Gregor
<simetrical+wikil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Milos Rancic <mill...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As admin (but not Toolserver admin), the sense of rules similar to "
>> excuses such as 'the rules didn't say I can't do this' will be
>> ignored." is obvious to me and it means "don't make troubles". Having
>> a redirect to a Wikipedia page is not "making troubles".
> That is for the toolserver admins to decide, not you.  It is not
> helpful for you to discourage people from complaining to the
> toolserver admins, particularly not on false grounds.  I have no
> strong opinion on whether this particular complaint is legitimate, but
> any user who thinks the toolserver is being misused should definitely
> bring it to the attention of the toolserver admins, such as by posting
> to toolserver-l (if they want it to be public) or
> ts-adm...@wikimedia.org (if they want it to be private).
>> This issue could be discussed more and I am not saying that the best
>> way for making directory listing forbidden is to make such redirect.
>> However, raising this issue at foundation-l is more about making
>> troubles than having such redirect.
> Even if that's the case, it is still entirely incorrect to say "Server
> admins usually prefer not to do anything in relation to personal files
> if it is not a security problem and if they don't have court order."
> The toolserver is not a place where users can do whatever they feel
> like as long as they don't cause too much trouble.  The admins are
> perfectly willing to step in and stop toolserver users from doing
> anything that they feel is out of line.
> That said, foundation-l is indeed not the correct place to have this
> discussion, and further discussion should occur on toolserver-l (which
> was originally CCd as well as foundation-l).  The toolserver is not
> run by the Wikimedia Foundation, but by Wikimedia Deutschland, which
> is a separate entity, so a discussion on foundation-l isn't as likely
> to reach the right people.

With a couple of not so important notes for this case, it could be
said that we agree.

And I see that possible interpretation of my construct "server admins"
is beyond what i meant. I used it as a general term, I didn't mean
exactly "Toolserver admins". And word "usually" has its meaning there.
(BTW, I don't remember any court order made to Toolserver.)

Everything else inside of my email was exactly because of complaint at
foundation-l, not at places described at relevant places.

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