On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Milos Rancic <mill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can stop using http://toolserver.org/~kalan/arb10/ if you have
> problems with profanity on user's main personal page.
> Server admins usually prefer not to do anything in relation to personal
> files if it is not a security problem and if they don't have court order.

You're mistaken.  The toolserver has strict rules:


Using toolserver access in a manner that does not further the
toolserver's goals (or, indeed, hinders them) is a misappropriation of
donated resources and will be dealt with harshly.  More than a few
users' accounts have been shut down for abuse.  Even if something is
not specifically against the rules, toolserver roots reserve the right
to prohibit or penalize it ex post facto at their discretion.  As the
rules say: "The toolserver is not a wiki and excuses such as 'the
rules didn't say I can't do this' will be ignored."

Since this isn't urgent, I'll leave it for more active admins to deal
with.  However, I would not be at all surprised if the user was asked
to take down the redirect, at the very least.

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