On 3/5/11 7:48 AM, MZMcBride wrote:
> While most donations come from people outside the Wikimedia (editing)
> community, the people within the community often feel that the very small
> staff of the past was more productive, more agile, less bloated, and overall
> more efficient than the larger staff of today.

I think this is not true as a matter of content, and certainly not true 
as a matter of how people view the Foundation.  Perhaps you don't 
remember how completely unresponsive and broken the Foundation was in 
the old days.

The largest staff today is: more productive, more agile, and overall 
more efficient than the larger staff of today.

I remember the bad old days, I was there.  Woefully understaffed, we 
were unable to respond to just about any and all requests from chapters, 
potential partners, etc.


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