Am 07.03.11 13:56, schrieb Gerard Meijssen:
> Because of the underinvestment many of our Wikipedias are not doing
> as well as they should. There are for instance technical solutions to
> give many of the Indian language Wikipedias the traffic back they
> lost.
> The notion that we are raising more funds then we need is therefore 
> obviously flawed.

Well, I think there is no "right" measure for a fundraiser. But I would
like to return to the point Tobias raised in the first place: Fundraiser
marketing is growing more aggressive year by year. E.g., this time it
was not possible to switch the banners off, even you were logged in as a
user. And banners appeared to be bigger than they used to be, but I may
be wrong on that, taking lots of space on my small MacBook screen. And,
yes, that *was* a nuisance. And it all started with Jimmy Wales right
away, who formerly was last in line in the banner messages. So, I
wondered, too, if we could make the fundraiser less annoying in the future?


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