Steven Walling wrote:
> I would agree with you Birgitte, except that MZ talked to Christine and
> Philippe about the issue beforehand and was specifically asked not to post
> about it here until Philippe is back and any questions can be answered.

>From what I've read here and elsewhere, you're about the only person
expressing moral outrage and indignation over these recent decisions being
discussed in a public forum. I'm not sure this is particularly surprising
given where you've been working the past few months, however, so I don't
hold it against you.

Given that this was discussed for weeks and then announced, I don't think
waiting for anyone to return from vacation is necessary for a discussion,
especially if there's a broader discussion being held about the virtue of
the entire identification process. (For anyone who missed it, please read
Risker's post in this topic.) This is all to say nothing of the fact that no
single person in an organization should be so critical that their absence
creates these types of issues.

As I said in my opening post, these questions can wait for Philippe's return
if they can't be addressed by others in the meantime, though as you've taken
it upon yourself to jump in here, if you have a free minute, I'm sure a lot
of people would appreciate some real content here:

And slightly tangential to the topic at hand, please don't top-post. I'm not
sure about others, but I read the public mailing list archives occasionally
and it makes a complete mess when people don't post inline (even if Gmail
and some other web clients collapse the content neatly).

Further reading:


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