On 2/4/2011 11:19 AM, Birgitte SB wrote:
> I imagine MZMcBride's inquiries have so often been slanted as though they had
> originated from a hardened negative opinion, because he gets his information
> from the gossip network rather than the WMF. I think I am so often ignorant
> because I do the opposite. It seems to me, that MZMcBride has been taking 
> pains
> for sometime to change the tone of his messages. I personally have noticed a
> continual incremental improvement on his part. It bothers me that despite 
> what I
> would rate as his success in crafting a neutral and reasonable message, he is
> still characterized as demanding answers and chided for bringing up the issue
> altogether. Whatever anyone else thinks MZMcBride, I have noticed your efforts
> and I appreciate them a great deal.  Introspection and change are hard things 
> to
> do; thank you.
I agree with much of Birgitte's analysis. I would add that it is not 
fundamentally wrong to try to surface issues from the gossip network to 
a more public discussion. (The gossip network is as closed and opaque a 
forum for discussion as any private mailing list; I'd call for it to be 
more open, but that would be denying human nature.) Among other things, 
surfacing these discussions can do the foundation a service by informing 
it about what matters are being discussed there. However, it does 
require a great deal of care to surface things in a way that is 
productive and informative, rather than simply poisoning the public 
discourse. You can see some of this in how the respectable media 
approach news that is thrust upon them by tabloids or internet chatter. 
They go to considerable lengths not to defame and try to avoid unfairly 
maligning or adding their own insinuations and speculation. I think the 
pattern of inquiries here has improved, though it could still stand 
further improvement.

On the foundation side, meanwhile, I believe more work ought to be done 
to minimize the "need" for the gossip network as an information channel. 
I've repeatedly pushed for creation of a staff position specifically 
dedicated to communications with the community. As the current 
communications staff, Jay and Moka are wonderful but much more 
external-facing, and have their hands plenty full with just that. I've 
been expecting that one of the Community department positions outlined 
in the annual plan would cover this, and if things follow the schedule I 
would hope to see such a position relatively soon.

--Michael Snow

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