On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 5:59 PM, koteche mcintosh
<kotechemcint...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A) This is completely off-topic.
> B) It sounds like exactly what we already have. (Recurring donations
> are new, but are now an option - with the exception of some Teir 1
> chapter countries.)
> Really? It is the most pressing topic of our times.
> Surely you can see that. And you can see how pissed off governments are with
> Wiki!!?
> Maybe you live in a bubble and are not really arsed..
> But there are MILLIONS of people out there who appreciate Wiki and its
> foundation. the pressure it is putting on governments and are appreciative
> for the collective voice it as given.
> it is a good time to make it bigger and better.... without compromising the
> principles. Able to adapt quickly to any government or court actions leveled
> against it. Surely you can see that? Can't you?
> Wiki can and must branch out. Use the brand to form television programs
> internet programs fund research make films create a international on line
> library. The options for freedom are endless. But it takes
> commitment......That includes the people who use wiki every day! What better
> way.... be a member for £2 per month! With TOTAL transparency!

Urm, but we're not WikiLeaks...

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