On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Noein <prono...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I think it is not fair to censor Peter and then still talk about him and
> what he said. One or the other can be justified (and should be), but not
> both at the same time.

While Peter's intent surely was not to offend, his comments were
inarticulate, and his comparison is offensive.  As such, moderation is
appropriate.  That said, if he has something civil to add to this or any
other conversation - including responses to others in this thread - his
comments will of course be approved in short order.

That said, I think this conversation is going nowhere fast.  If there are
widespread cases of Wikimedia users being treated unfairly within a
community, let them come forward.  But in doing so, let's try to avoid

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