On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 17:14, Phil Nash <phn...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> Jonathan Swift was at least plausible in that regard (although satire rather
> than irony), because his writing was so obviously pointed that the clever
> people got the message and  the stupids didn't. Damian failed in being
> inadequately excessive ...

"I don't know why such fuss has been made in the media about this.
Under Chinese law, Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by
judicial departments for violating Chinese law ... His own community
has delivered a verdict upon him: he is a criminal. ... The Chinese
government imposed a blackout on news of the award: quite right. This
is exactly what would happen on Wikipedia, by means of blocks in
article space, talk pages and email access. More power to the

Hard to see how he could have been more obvious. And the result? He's
placed on moderation. :D

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