On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Gerard Meijssen
<gerard.meijs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The backlash had the potential of stopping all new Wikipedias in any
> language. To prevent this from happening, the language committee and its
> policy were created. This policy was accepted by the board of trustees. With
> the flow of new Wikipedias now down to a trickle, the new Wikipedias prove
> that the policy functions. We do not have people clamouring for the end of
> new projects.

It may be proof in your definition, it is not in mine. The first
measure of success should be the *number* of succesful starts, not the
percentage. If you bring success from 50% to 100% by accepting only
1/4 of what would have been accepted before (note that these are just
an example - I have not researched any of these numbers), the
*percentage* of succeeded new projects may have doubled, but the
*number* has halved.

> The language
> committee is not a talking shop, we implement an agreed policy.

Agreed by whom? Is there any way to influence this policy and/or its

André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com

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