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On 09/05/2010 05:46, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> On 5/8/10 10:02 PM, Victor Vasiliev wrote:
>> The deletions themselves aren't the problem; the manner in which they
>> were carried out is. As a lawyer you should understand that the due
>> process is important.
> I understand that and apologize for it.  There was a crisis situation 
> and I took action which ended up averting the crisis.  In the process I 
> stepped on some toes [...]

I'm sorry to step in opposition since we never had the opportunity to
met before, Mr. Wales, and I do respect you. It's with great sadness
that I must disagree with your systematic and apparently deliberated
minimisation or ignorance of the grief you've done. I wouldn't call my
freedom of self-determination "my toes". It's the core of my being.

I feel I have the right to decide for myself about censorship issues. I
feel that my voice should count as one vote, no more no less. I feel
that my intelligence deserves access to the knowledge you used to
declare a "crisis". I don't feel inferior. I am not. Respect should be
reciprocal, and I don't feel this is the case.

>[...] for that I am sorry.

> I won't do it again.
> The most important questions now have to do with policy on commons.

The most important questions for you are not the most important
questions for the community, it seems. The most important question for
ANY person is to be free to decide (and alive). If you negate that then
you can't be sorry. We want a real talk about that, not a dodge. You owe
us some listening.

By promising that you won't do it again you don't understand (or
probably don't want to) that the problem is not adressed. The majority
of the community, I think, don't want the WMF projects to be at the
mercy of just one person's tastes, no matter what he or she promises.

This is too big and important to be that vulnerable. Too many users
depend on these universal knowledge projects. Too many years of work
from thousands of editors were put. You cannot subject the governance of
the universal knowledge to you (or an small elite), because nobody can
hold enough open-mindedness to represent all the humanity. You
contributed the most important milestone for the liberation of mankind.
Don't become a needless tyrant.

Sorry for my arrogance. I know most people will judge my ideas on the
basis that I am nobody and no recognized trajectory, while your
contributions are unquestionable. So be it, I'll take the chance.
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