2010/2/20 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com>:
> On 20 February 2010 22:49, Tomasz Ganicz <polime...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Evidence? :-) Is there any formal document of Wikimedia Foundation
>> Board of Trustees which says, that logo candidates are a special case
>> for copyright issues or it is just your assumption?
> Why would it be a board document? Surely it would just have been said
> on the pages about the contest.

Yes.. I could buy the idea. Unfortunatelly it had not been said on the
contest page :-) The contest page does not say anything about legal
copyright issues. See:


So, let's follow copyright paranoia for a while. What is the finall
copyright paranoia conclusion? Do we agree with the idea, that at that
time everything uploaded was under GNU FDL or not?

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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