K. Peachey wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 7:51 AM, Ray Saintonge wrote:
>> You're shifting the burden onto the wrong people. If the images followed
>> the general rule that prevailed when they were uploaded the presumption
>> is that they followed that rule unless there was an exception specified
>> *at the time*. If rules have changed since then it's up to those who
>> complain to add the proper notices instead of acting like vandals.
>> Admins who don't know that don't deserve to be admins.
> And where did i say I was ever a Admin? (Personally I don't have the
> sysop bit on any WMF wiki afaik)
It would be ungracious of me to express relief on that account. :-)

My reference to admins was a generic one. A non-admin making such a 
proposal would still need to have his proposal reviewed before any admin 
actions were taken.


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