On Aug 9, 2009, at 4:25 PM, Ray Saintonge wrote:

> Al Tally wrote:
>> I don't want to seem rude, as I'm sure it's difficult and I  
>> understand the
>> election committee are volunteers, but why is it that things seem  
>> to be
>> going wrong this year?
> Things started going wrong when the election committee didn't organize
> itself in time.  It knew more than a year ago that one or more
> individuals would need to be elected this year.  It knew when  
> Wikimania
> would be held (the latest dates ever).  Because of the late Wikimania,
> following last year's timetable would have given them even more time  
> to
> get it together than last year.  It would not have needed to  
> foreshorten
> the voting period.  What it needs to do soon is to establish a firm
> timetable for future elections.  With no elections scheduled for two
> years this should not be difficult.  There is even plenty of time to  
> do
> this earlier to be able to deal with any vacancy that may arise.
> Ec

I agree.  I also suggest that the committee may be too small.  There  
are simply a huge number of details involved, and a larger committee  
may be a better system.


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