2008/12/25 geni <geni...@gmail.com>:
> 2008/12/25 Fred Bauder <fredb...@fairpoint.net>:

>>> Well where will it stop? If we have a project, we should have a memorial
>>> project for all disasters. I echo Mr. Bimmler in his concerns about the
>>> motives behind this proposal.

>> I think half a dozen might do, one for the victims of Hitler, one for the
>> victims of Stalin, one for the victims of Pol Pot, one for the victims of
>> Mao, one for victims of the inquisition, etc,

> What about Carthage? What about the native Americans (general
> estimates are we managed to kill off about 90% of them without really
> meeting them)? An Shi Rebellion? Mongol Conquests?      Shaka's conquests?
> They we get the political fun ones. The islamic invasion of india.
> Arab slave trade. The Muslims killed of in china.  Nanking Massacre.
>        Anticommunist purge in Indonesia. The various post independence
> Pakistan /India/Bangladesh stuff.

I submit that a wiki that could almost have been custom-designed to
attract the worst of the interminable ethnic arguments of en:wp would
have limited ability to produce educational content, but would be of
vast educational use for sociological study. I'm not sure that
*entirely* squares with the mission either.

- d.

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