Fred Bauder wrote:
>> I must agree with Mr Gerard, and taking that position, or any position
>> by the Foundation is a road I don't want to see WMF go down.  I don't
>> want WMF to alienate anyone... anyone.  The information must be free,
>> and global.  For everyone.
>> Please don't intrepet this message as my defending any group, I'm
>> not.  I'm against oppression.  However, I don't think the WMF should
>> be for or against anything, politically.
>> Jon
> Oh, but we are, just by what we do. And the mass murders of the twentieth
> century would have made short work of us. In fact, in the last regime
> controlled by them Wikipedia is blocked.
I suppose that in that comment we have the perfect justification for 
excluding the mass murders of 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq.  These mass 
murders are the product of our kinder, gentler twenty-first century, and 
not a part of twentieth century savagery.


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