On 12/18/24 4:11 AM, Harald Anlauf wrote:
Hi Steve,
thanks for the draft patch.
I haven't looked close enough, but you may have to add support
for 'asis' being an optional dummy variable. The following
example crashes here with a segfault:
program foo
use iso_c_binding, only : c_null_char, c_char, f_c_string, c_size_t
implicit none
logical asis
character(len=6, kind=c_char) :: s1
character(len=:, kind=c_char), allocatable :: s2
! strlen() counts up to '\0', and excludes it from the count
function strlen(s) bind(c,name="strlen")
import c_char, c_size_t
integer(c_size_t) strlen
character(len=1,kind=c_char), intent(in) :: s(*)
end function strlen
end interface
s1 = 'abc '
asis = .true.
call check (asis) ! OK
asis = .false.
call check (asis) ! OK
call check () ! segfault
subroutine check (asis)
logical, optional, intent(in) :: asis
s2 = f_c_string(s1, asis)
print *, len_trim(s1), int(strlen(s2))
end subroutine check
end program foo
--- snip ---
This is interesting. In my tests I tried:
print *, len(s1), len(f_c_string(s1))
Which works fine. Is the user required to check for the presence of the
optional argument before using it? From the 'view' of the subroutine
'asis' exists but is undefined.