Hi All,

The breakage was caused by the patch for PR109345. As it happens, this part
of the patch was not required to fix the PR and looked to be a considerable
simplification of the condition. Although correct that all is left are
class dummies, it caused the regression by not checking that it is a class
array reference.

Regtested on mainline. OK to apply to all affected branches after
regtesting the backports?



Fortran: Partial reversion of patch for pr109345 [PR117763]

2024-11-25  Paul Thomas  <pa...@gcc.gnu.org>

PR fortran/117763
* trans-array.cc (gfc_get_array_span): Guard against derefences
of 'expr'. Clean up some typos. Use 'gfc_get_vptr_from_expr'
for clarity and apply a functional reversion of last section
that deals with class dummies.

PR fortran/117763
* gfortran.dg/pr117763.f90: New test.
diff --git a/gcc/fortran/trans-array.cc b/gcc/fortran/trans-array.cc
index 32dcd4cb0c7..a458af322ce 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/trans-array.cc
+++ b/gcc/fortran/trans-array.cc
@@ -961,8 +961,8 @@ tree
 gfc_get_array_span (tree desc, gfc_expr *expr)
   tree tmp;
-  gfc_symbol *sym = expr->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE
-		    ? expr->symtree->n.sym : NULL;
+  gfc_symbol *sym = (expr && expr->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE) ?
+		    expr->symtree->n.sym : NULL;
   if (is_pointer_array (desc)
       || (get_CFI_desc (NULL, expr, &desc, NULL)
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ gfc_get_array_span (tree desc, gfc_expr *expr)
       /* Treat unlimited polymorphic expressions separately because
 	 the element size need not be the same as the span.  Obtain
-	 the class container, which is simplified here by their being
+	 the class container, which is simplified here by there being
 	 no component references.  */
       if (sym && sym->attr.dummy)
@@ -1013,12 +1013,16 @@ gfc_get_array_span (tree desc, gfc_expr *expr)
       /* The descriptor is a class _data field. Use the vtable size
 	 since it is guaranteed to have been set and is always OK for
 	 class array descriptors that are not unlimited.  */
-      tmp = gfc_class_vptr_get (TREE_OPERAND (desc, 0));
+      tmp = gfc_get_vptr_from_expr (desc);
       tmp = gfc_vptr_size_get (tmp);
-  else if (sym && sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS && sym->attr.dummy)
+  else if (sym && sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS
+	   && expr->ref->type == REF_COMPONENT
+	   && expr->ref->next->type == REF_ARRAY
+	   && expr->ref->next->next == NULL
+	   && CLASS_DATA (sym)->attr.dimension)
-      /* Class dummys usually requires extraction from the saved
+      /* Class dummys usually require extraction from the saved
 	 descriptor, which gfc_class_vptr_get does for us.  */
       tmp = gfc_class_vptr_get (sym->backend_decl);
       tmp = gfc_vptr_size_get (tmp);
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr117763.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr117763.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c127104d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr117763.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+! { dg-do compile }
+! { dg-options "-fdump-tree-original" }
+! Test the fix for PR117763, which was a regression caused by the patch for
+! PR109345.
+! Contributed by Juergen Reuter  <juergen.reu...@desy.de>
+module iso_varying_string
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter, private :: GET_BUFFER_LEN = 1
+  type, public :: varying_string
+     private
+     character(LEN=1), dimension(:), allocatable :: chars
+  end type varying_string
+  interface assignment(=)
+     module procedure op_assign_CH_VS
+     module procedure op_assign_VS_CH
+  end interface assignment(=)
+  interface char
+     module procedure char_auto
+     module procedure char_fixed
+  end interface char
+  interface len
+     module procedure len_
+  end interface len
+  interface var_str
+     module procedure var_str_
+  end interface var_str
+  public :: assignment(=)
+  public :: char
+  public :: len
+  public :: var_str
+  private :: op_assign_CH_VS
+  private :: op_assign_VS_CH
+  private :: char_auto
+  private :: char_fixed
+  private :: len_
+  private :: var_str_
+  elemental function len_ (string) result (length)
+    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
+    integer                          :: length
+    if(ALLOCATED(string%chars)) then
+       length = SIZE(string%chars)
+    else
+       length = 0
+    endif
+  end function len_
+  elemental subroutine op_assign_CH_VS (var, exp)
+    character(LEN=*), intent(out)    :: var
+    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: exp
+    var = char(exp)
+  end subroutine op_assign_CH_VS
+  elemental subroutine op_assign_VS_CH (var, exp)
+    type(varying_string), intent(out) :: var
+    character(LEN=*), intent(in)      :: exp
+    var = var_str(exp)
+  end subroutine op_assign_VS_CH
+  pure function char_auto (string) result (char_string)
+    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
+    character(LEN=len(string))       :: char_string
+    integer                          :: i_char
+    forall(i_char = 1:len(string))
+       char_string(i_char:i_char) = string%chars(i_char)
+    end forall
+  end function char_auto
+  pure function char_fixed (string, length) result (char_string)
+    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
+    integer, intent(in)              :: length
+    character(LEN=length)            :: char_string
+    char_string = char(string)
+  end function char_fixed
+  elemental function var_str_ (char) result (string)
+    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: char
+    type(varying_string)         :: string
+    integer                      :: length
+    integer                      :: i_char
+    length = LEN(char)
+    ALLOCATE(string%chars(length))
+    forall(i_char = 1:length)
+       string%chars(i_char) = char(i_char:i_char)
+    end forall
+  end function var_str_
+end module iso_varying_string
+module model_data
+  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding !NODEP!
+  use iso_varying_string, string_t => varying_string
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: field_data_t
+  public :: model_data_t
+  type :: field_data_t
+     private
+     type(string_t) :: longname
+     integer :: pdg = 0
+     logical :: has_anti = .false.
+     type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: name, anti
+     type(string_t) :: tex_name
+     integer :: multiplicity = 1
+   contains
+     procedure :: init => field_data_init
+     procedure :: set => field_data_set
+     procedure :: get_longname => field_data_get_longname
+     procedure :: get_name_array => field_data_get_name_array
+  end type field_data_t
+  type :: model_data_t
+     private
+     type(field_data_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: field
+   contains
+     generic :: init => model_data_init
+     procedure, private :: model_data_init
+     procedure :: get_field_array_ptr => model_data_get_field_array_ptr
+     procedure :: get_field_ptr_by_index => model_data_get_field_ptr_index
+     procedure :: init_sm_test => model_data_init_sm_test
+  end type model_data_t
+  subroutine field_data_init (prt, longname, pdg)
+    class(field_data_t), intent(out) :: prt
+    type(string_t), intent(in) :: longname
+    integer, intent(in) :: pdg
+    prt%longname = longname
+    prt%pdg = pdg
+    prt%tex_name = ""
+  end subroutine field_data_init
+  subroutine field_data_set (prt, &
+       name, anti, tex_name)
+    class(field_data_t), intent(inout) :: prt
+    type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: name, anti
+    type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: tex_name
+    if (present (name)) then
+       if (allocated (prt%name))  deallocate (prt%name)
+       allocate (prt%name (size (name)), source = name)
+    end if
+    if (present (anti)) then
+       if (allocated (prt%anti))  deallocate (prt%anti)
+       allocate (prt%anti (size (anti)), source = anti)
+       prt%has_anti = .true.
+    end if
+    if (present (tex_name))  prt%tex_name = tex_name
+  end subroutine field_data_set
+  pure function field_data_get_longname (prt) result (name)
+    type(string_t) :: name
+    class(field_data_t), intent(in) :: prt
+    name = prt%longname
+  end function field_data_get_longname
+  subroutine field_data_get_name_array (prt, is_antiparticle, name)
+    class(field_data_t), intent(in) :: prt
+    logical, intent(in) :: is_antiparticle
+    type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: name
+    if (allocated (name))  deallocate (name)
+    if (is_antiparticle) then
+       if (prt%has_anti) then
+          allocate (name (size (prt%anti)))
+          name = prt%anti
+       else
+          allocate (name (0))
+       end if
+    else
+       allocate (name (size (prt%name)))
+       name = prt%name
+    end if
+  end subroutine field_data_get_name_array
+  subroutine model_data_init (model, n_field)
+    class(model_data_t), intent(out) :: model
+    integer, intent(in) :: n_field
+    allocate (model%field (n_field))
+  end subroutine model_data_init
+  function model_data_get_field_array_ptr (model) result (ptr)
+    class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model
+    type(field_data_t), dimension(:), pointer :: ptr
+    ptr => model%field
+  end function model_data_get_field_array_ptr
+  function model_data_get_field_ptr_index (model, i) result (ptr)
+    class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    type(field_data_t), pointer :: ptr
+    ptr => model%field(i)
+  end function model_data_get_field_ptr_index
+  subroutine model_data_init_sm_test (model)
+    class(model_data_t), intent(out) :: model
+    type(field_data_t), pointer :: field
+    integer :: i
+    call model%init (2)
+    i = 0
+    i = i + 1
+    field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i)
+    call field%init (var_str ("W_BOSON"), 24)
+    call field%set (name = [var_str ("W+")], anti = [var_str ("W-")])
+    i = i + 1
+    field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i)
+    call field%init (var_str ("HIGGS"), 25)
+    call field%set (name = [var_str ("H")])
+  end subroutine model_data_init_sm_test
+end module model_data
+module models
+  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding !NODEP!
+  use iso_varying_string, string_t => varying_string
+  use model_data
+!  use parser
+!  use variables
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: model_t
+  type, extends (model_data_t) :: model_t
+     private
+   contains
+     procedure :: append_field_vars => model_append_field_vars
+  end type model_t
+  subroutine model_append_field_vars (model)
+    class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model
+    type(field_data_t), dimension(:), pointer :: field_array
+    type(field_data_t), pointer :: field
+    type(string_t) :: name
+    type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: name_array
+    integer :: i, j
+    field_array => model%get_field_array_ptr ()
+    do i = 1, size (field_array)
+       name = field_array(i)%get_longname ()
+       call field_array(i)%get_name_array (.false., name_array)
+    end do
+  end subroutine model_append_field_vars
+end module models
+program main_ut
+  use iso_varying_string, string_t => varying_string
+  use model_data
+  use models
+  implicit none
+  class(model_data_t), pointer :: model
+  model => null ()
+  allocate (model_t :: model)
+  select type (model)
+  type is (model_t)
+     call model%init_sm_test ()
+     call model%append_field_vars ()
+  end select
+end program main_ut
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "__result->span = 272" 1 "original" } }
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr85869.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr84869.f90
similarity index 89%
rename from gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr85869.f90
rename to gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr84869.f90
index 24caeb486f2..fe40b620804 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr85869.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr84869.f90
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ! { dg-do compile }
-! Test the fix for PR85869, where line 19 segfaulted.
+! Test the fix for PR84869, where line 19 segfaulted.
 ! Contributed by Gerhard Steinmetz  <gs...@t-online.de>

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