The Fortran 2023 interpretation document clause paragraph 5
allows a dummy argument procedure pointer to have a corresponding
actual argument that is a valid target for the dummy pointer in a
pointer assignment statement.  I believe this feature first appeared
in the 2008 standard. Gfortran rejects this feature, which is used
ubiquitously throughout the test suite for the recently released
Julienne unit testing framework ( and thus
is also used ubiquitously in any software that uses Julienne for unit

% cat gfortran-reproducer.f90

module julienne_test_description_m
  implicit none

  abstract interface
    logical function test_function_i()
    end function
  end interface

  type test_description_t
    procedure(test_function_i), pointer, nopass :: test_function_
  end type


  type(test_description_t) function new_test_description(test_function)
    procedure(test_function_i), intent(in), pointer :: test_function
    new_test_description%test_function_ => test_function
  end function

end module

  use julienne_test_description_m
  implicit none
  type(test_description_t) test_description

  test_description = new_test_description(test)


  logical function test()
    test = .true.
  end function


% gfortran gfortran-reproducer.f90


   26 |   test_description = new_test_description(test)
      |                                          1
Error: Expected a procedure pointer for argument 'test_function' at (1)

% gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 14.2.0) 14.2.0

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