On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 06:00:18PM +0900, Kazuyoshi Furutaka wrote:
> Dear gfortran experts...
> The attached program runs OK, but `ptype`ing using gdb
> on the deferred-length character array returns empty(?)
> result, as the following (the results for integer and
> real arrays are correct ):
> (gdb) ptype intarr
> type = integer(kind=4), allocatable (8)
> (gdb) ptype realarr
> type = real(kind=8), allocatable (8)
> (gdb) ptype chararr
> type = Type 
> End Type 
> Is this a bug?

Likely, yes.  Not sure if it's a GCC or GDB bug.  File a bug report 
in gcc's bugzilla.

Dynamic allocation of a scalar deferred-length variable works.

  program arrays
    character(len=:), allocatable :: chararr
    print *, chararr
  end program arrays

Breakpoint 1, arrays () at a.f90:4
4         chararr="ahoaho"
(gdb) n
5         print *, chararr
(gdb) p chararr
$1 = (PTR TO -> ( character*(*) )) 0x201008020
(gdb) p *chararr
$2 = 'ahoaho'

Static memory works.

  program arrays
    character(len=6) :: chararr(2)
    print *, chararr
  end program arrays
Breakpoint 1, arrays () at a.f90:18
18        chararr="ahoaho"
(gdb) n
19        print *, chararr
(gdb) p chararr
$1 = ('ahoaho', 'ahoaho')
(gdb) p &chararr
$2 = (PTR TO -> ( character*6 (2) )) 0x7fffffffe614

Dynamic allocation of an array of fixed length strings works.

  program arrays
    character(len=6), allocatable :: chararr(:)
    print *, chararr
  end program arrays

Breakpoint 1, arrays () at a.f90:32
32        chararr="ahoaho"
(gdb) n
33        print *, chararr
(gdb) p chararr
$1 = ('ahoaho', 'ahoaho')
(gdb) p &chararr
$2 = (PTR TO -> ( character*6, allocatable (2) )) 0x201016000

Your testcase of allocation of an array of deferred-length string strings.

  program arrays
    character(len=:), allocatable :: chararr(:)
    allocate(character(len=6) :: chararr(2))
    print *, chararr
  end program arrays

Breakpoint 1, arrays () at a.f90:53
53        chararr="ahoaho"
(gdb) n
54        print *, chararr
(gdb) p chararr
$1 = <incomplete type>
(gdb) p &chararr
$2 = (PTR TO -> ( Type  )) 0x7fffffffe5b0


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