Tested on x86_64-darwin21 and linux, with makeinfo 6.7 pushed to trunk,

--- 8< ---

The changes in r15-4697-g4727bfb37701 omit a menu entry which causes a
bootstrap fail when Fortran is included for at least makeinfo 6.7.
Fixed thus.


        * intrinsic.texi: Add menu item for UINT.

Signed-off-by: Iain Sandoe <i...@sandoe.co.uk>
 gcc/fortran/intrinsic.texi | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/intrinsic.texi b/gcc/fortran/intrinsic.texi
index 0354704e4d0..f47fa3bbd5e 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/intrinsic.texi
+++ b/gcc/fortran/intrinsic.texi
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ Some basic guidelines for editing this document:
 * @code{TTYNAM}:        TTYNAM,    Get the name of a terminal device
 * @code{UBOUND}:        UBOUND,    Upper dimension bounds of an array
 * @code{UCOBOUND}:      UCOBOUND,  Upper codimension bounds of an array
+* @code{UINT}:          UINT,      Convert to an unsigned integer type
 * @code{UMASK}:         UMASK,     Set the file creation mask
 * @code{UNLINK}:        UNLINK,    Remove a file from the file system
 * @code{UNPACK}:        UNPACK,    Unpack an array of rank one into an array
2.39.2 (Apple Git-143)

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