On 19.09.22 22:50, Mikael Morin wrote:
Le 19/09/2022 à 21:46, Harald Anlauf a écrit :
Am 18.09.22 um 22:55 schrieb Mikael Morin:
Le 18/09/2022 à 20:32, Harald Anlauf a écrit :

Assumed shape will be on the easy side,
while assumed size likely needs to be excluded for clobbering.

Isn’t it the converse that is true?
Assumed shape can be non-contiguous so have to be excluded, but assumed
size are contiguous, so valid candidates for clobbering. No?

I really was referring here to *dummies*, as in the following example:

program p
   integer :: a(4)
   a = 1
   call sub (a(1), 2)
   print *, a
   subroutine sub (b, k)
     integer, intent(in)  :: k
     integer, intent(out) :: b(*)
!   integer, intent(out) :: b(k)
     if (k > 2) b(k) = k
   end subroutine sub
end program p

Assumed size (*) is just a contiguous hunk of memory of possibly
unknown size, which can be zero.  So you couldn't set a clobber
for the a(1) actual argument.

Couldn't you clobber A entirely?  If no element of B is initialized in SUB, well, A has undefined values on return from SUB.  That's how INTENT(OUT) works.

Yes, I think so - you are passing the starting element of an array
to an assumed-size array via storage association rules.

It has to be an explicit interface, of course, otherwise it is
unclear if an array or an array element is passed.

Best regards


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