On 10/7/21 9:25 AM, Tobias Burnus wrote:
Hi Sandra,

On 06.10.21 23:37, Sandra Loosemore wrote:
This patch is for PR fortran/54753, to add a diagnostic for violations of this constraint in the 2018 standard:

  C839 If an assumed-size or nonallocatable nonpointer assumed-rank
  array is an actual argument that corresponds to a dummy argument that
  is an INTENT (OUT) assumed-rank array, it shall not be polymorphic,
  finalizable, of a type with an allocatable ultimate component, or of a
  type for which default initialization is specified.

(It now uses an interface instead of an actual subroutine definition, since Tobias recently committed a patch to fix interfaces in order to unblock my work on this one.)  That bug is independent of enforcing this constraint so I'm planning to open a new issue for it with its own test case, if there isn't already one in Bugzilla.
I concur that that should be in a separate PR.

It's PR102641 now.

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/interface.c b/gcc/fortran/interface.c
+  gfc_array_spec *fas, *aas;
+  bool pointer_arg, allocatable_arg;;
Remove either ";" or ";".
@@ -3329,13 +3331,48 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
+      if (a->expr->expr_type != EXPR_VARIABLE)
+    {
+      aas = NULL;
+      pointer_arg = false;
+      allocatable_arg = false;

This code is not generic but rather specific.
But it is fine as used in the code.

The question is how to prevent "?" or wrong code for future
code readers and writers.
Solution: I think the simplest would be to add a comment.

OK, done.

+      if (fas
+      && (fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE
+          || fas->type == AS_DEFERRED
+          || (fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK && f->sym->attr.pointer))
+      && aas
+      && aas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SIZE
        && (a->expr->ref == NULL
            || (a->expr->ref->type == REF_ARRAY
            && a->expr->ref->u.ar.type == AR_FULL)))
That's old code – but can you adapt it to handle BT_CLASS? I think
only 'f->sym->attr.pointer' causes the issue as it does not check for
CLASS_DATA()->attr.class_pointer – and the rest is fine, also because
of now using 'aas->type' which already encapsulates the classness.


type t
end type t
   subroutine fc2 (x)
     import :: t
     class(t), pointer, intent(in) :: x(..)
end interface
   subroutine sub1(y)
     type(t), target :: y(*)
     call fc2 (y)  ! silently accepted

OK, I incorporated that into the existing test case for that issue.

+  subroutine test_assumed_size_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call poly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+  end subroutine
Can you also add a call like involving something like:
a1(5), a2(4:7), a1(:10) or a2(:-5) ? (Here, '(:-5)' is a
rank-1, size-zero array.)

Calls with those are valid as those pass the array size alongside.
 From the patch it looks as if they should just work, but it is
still good to test this.

+  subroutine test_assumed_size_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+  end subroutine

This is done too.

Otherwise, it looks good to me.

OK to commit v2 of the patch (attached)?

commit 1beb8cc863225a5f2ba4a52fc3ff1d3320edbfef
Author: Sandra Loosemore <san...@codesourcery.com>
Date:   Mon Sep 27 07:05:32 2021 -0700

    Fortran: Add diagnostic for F2018:C839 (TS29113:C535c)
    2021-10-08 Sandra Loosemore  <san...@codesourcery.com>
            PR fortran/54753
            * interface.c (gfc_compare_actual_formal): Add diagnostic
            for F2018:C839.  Refactor shared code and fix bugs with class
            array info lookup, and extend similar diagnostic from PR94110
            to also cover class types.
            * gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-1.f90: Rewrite and expand.
            * gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-2.f90: Remove xfails.
            * gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-3.f90: Likewise.
            * gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-4.f90: Likewise.
            * gfortran.dg/PR94110.f90: Extend to cover class types.

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/interface.c b/gcc/fortran/interface.c
index a2fea0e97b8..2a71da75c72 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/interface.c
+++ b/gcc/fortran/interface.c
@@ -3061,6 +3061,8 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
   unsigned long actual_size, formal_size;
   bool full_array = false;
   gfc_array_ref *actual_arr_ref;
+  gfc_array_spec *fas, *aas;
+  bool pointer_dummy, pointer_arg, allocatable_arg;
   actual = *ap;
@@ -3329,13 +3331,60 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
 	  return false;
-      if (f->sym->as
-	  && (f->sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE
-	      || f->sym->as->type == AS_DEFERRED
-	      || (f->sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK && f->sym->attr.pointer))
-	  && a->expr->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE
-	  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym->as
-	  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_SIZE
+      /* Class array variables and expressions store array info in a
+	 different place from non-class objects; consolidate the logic
+	 to access it here instead of repeating it below.  Note that
+	 pointer_arg and allocatable_arg are not fully general and are
+	 only used in a specific situation below with an assumed-rank
+	 argument.  */
+      if (f->sym->ts.type == BT_CLASS && CLASS_DATA (f->sym))
+	{
+	  gfc_component *classdata = CLASS_DATA (f->sym);
+	  fas = classdata->as;
+	  pointer_dummy = classdata->attr.class_pointer;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  fas = f->sym->as;
+	  pointer_dummy = f->sym->attr.pointer;
+	}
+      if (a->expr->expr_type != EXPR_VARIABLE)
+	{
+	  aas = NULL;
+	  pointer_arg = false;
+	  allocatable_arg = false;
+	}
+      else if (a->expr->ts.type == BT_CLASS
+	       && a->expr->symtree->n.sym
+	       && CLASS_DATA (a->expr->symtree->n.sym))
+	{
+	  gfc_component *classdata = CLASS_DATA (a->expr->symtree->n.sym);
+	  aas = classdata->as;
+	  pointer_arg = classdata->attr.class_pointer;
+	  allocatable_arg = classdata->attr.allocatable;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  aas = a->expr->symtree->n.sym->as;
+	  pointer_arg = a->expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.pointer;
+	  allocatable_arg = a->expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.allocatable;
+	}
+      /* F2018:9.5.2(2) permits assumed-size whole array expressions as
+	 actual arguments only if the shape is not required; thus it
+	 cannot be passed to an assumed-shape array dummy.
+	 F2018:15.5.2.(2) permits passing a nonpointer actual to an
+	 intent(in) pointer dummy argument and this is accepted by
+	 the compare_pointer check below, but this also requires shape
+	 information.
+	 There's more discussion of this in PR94110.  */
+      if (fas
+	  && (fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE
+	      || fas->type == AS_DEFERRED
+	      || (fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK && pointer_dummy))
+	  && aas
+	  && aas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SIZE
 	  && (a->expr->ref == NULL
 	      || (a->expr->ref->type == REF_ARRAY
 		  && a->expr->ref->u.ar.type == AR_FULL)))
@@ -3346,6 +3395,35 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
 	  return false;
+      /* Diagnose F2018 C839 (TS29113 C535c).  Here the problem is
+	 passing an assumed-size array to an INTENT(OUT) assumed-rank
+	 dummy when it doesn't have the size information needed to run
+	 initializers and finalizers.  */
+      if (f->sym->attr.intent == INTENT_OUT
+	  && fas
+	  && fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK
+	  && aas
+	  && ((aas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SIZE
+	       && (a->expr->ref == NULL
+		   || (a->expr->ref->type == REF_ARRAY
+		       && a->expr->ref->u.ar.type == AR_FULL)))
+	      || (aas->type == AS_ASSUMED_RANK
+		  && !pointer_arg
+		  && !allocatable_arg))
+	  && (a->expr->ts.type == BT_CLASS
+	      || (a->expr->ts.type == BT_DERIVED
+		  && (gfc_is_finalizable (a->expr->ts.u.derived, NULL)
+		      || gfc_has_ultimate_allocatable (a->expr)
+		      || gfc_has_default_initializer
+			   (a->expr->ts.u.derived)))))
+	{
+	  if (where)
+	    gfc_error ("Actual argument to assumed-rank INTENT(OUT) "
+		       "dummy %qs at %L cannot be of unknown size",
+		       f->sym->name, where);
+	  return false;
+	}
       if (a->expr->expr_type != EXPR_NULL
 	  && compare_pointer (f->sym, a->expr) == 0)
@@ -3479,7 +3557,7 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
 	  && a->expr->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE
 	  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym->as
 	  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE
-	  && !(f->sym->as && f->sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE))
+	  && !(fas && fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE))
 	  if (where)
 	    gfc_error ("Assumed-shape actual argument at %L is "
@@ -3496,7 +3574,7 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
       if (f->sym->attr.volatile_
 	  && actual_arr_ref && actual_arr_ref->type == AR_SECTION
-	  && !(f->sym->as && f->sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE))
+	  && !(fas && fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE))
 	  if (where)
 	    gfc_error ("Array-section actual argument at %L is "
@@ -3514,8 +3592,8 @@ gfc_compare_actual_formal (gfc_actual_arglist **ap, gfc_formal_arglist *formal,
 	  && a->expr->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE
 	  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym->attr.pointer
 	  && a->expr->symtree->n.sym->as
-	  && !(f->sym->as
-	       && (f->sym->as->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE
+	  && !(fas
+	       && (fas->type == AS_ASSUMED_SHAPE
 		   || f->sym->attr.pointer)))
 	  if (where)
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/PR94110.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/PR94110.f90
index 9ec70ec857e..4e43332b64e 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/PR94110.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/PR94110.f90
@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@ program asa_p
   integer, parameter :: n = 7
+  type t
+  end type t
+  interface
+    subroutine fc2 (x)
+      import :: t
+      class(t), pointer, intent(in) :: x(..)
+    end subroutine
+  end interface
   integer :: p(n)
   integer :: s
@@ -84,5 +94,10 @@ contains
   end function sum_p_ar
+  subroutine sub1(y)
+    type(t), target :: y(*)
+    call fc2 (y) ! { dg-error "Actual argument for .x. cannot be an assumed-size array" } 
+  end subroutine sub1
 end program asa_p
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-1.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-1.f90
index b4047139eaf..2158c35be82 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-1.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-1.f90
@@ -11,77 +11,154 @@
 ! This test file contains tests that are expected to issue diagnostics
 ! for invalid code.
-module m
+module t
   type :: t1
     integer :: id
     real :: xyz(3)
   end type
+end module  
+module m
+  use t
+  ! Assumed-type dummies are (unlimited) polymorphic too, but F2018:C709
+  ! already prohibits them from being declared intent(out).  So we only
+  ! test dummies of class type that are polymorphic or unlimited
+  ! polymorphic.
+  interface
+    subroutine poly (x, y)
+      use t
+      class(t1) :: x(..)
+      class(t1), intent (out) :: y(..)
+    end subroutine
+    subroutine upoly (x, y)
+      class(*) :: x(..)
+      class(*), intent (out) :: y(..)
+    end subroutine
+  end interface
-  subroutine s1_nonpolymorphic (x, y)
-    type(t1) :: x(..)
-    type(t1), intent(out) :: y(..)
-  end subroutine
-  subroutine s1_polymorphic (x, y)  ! { dg-bogus "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
-    class(t1) :: x(..)
-    class(t1), intent(out) :: y(..)
+  ! The known-size calls should all be OK as they do not involve
+  ! assumed-size or assumed-rank actual arguments.
+  subroutine test_known_size_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2, n)
+    integer :: n
+    type(t1) :: a1(n,n), a2(n)
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
   end subroutine
-  subroutine s1_unlimited_polymorphic (x, y)  ! { dg-bogus "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
-    class(*) :: x(..)
-    class(*), intent(out) :: y(..)
+  subroutine test_known_size_polymorphic (a1, a2, n)
+    integer :: n
+    class(t1) :: a1(n,n), a2(n)
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
   end subroutine
-  ! These calls should all be OK as they do not involve assumed-size or
-  ! assumed-rank actual arguments.
-  subroutine test_known_size (a1, a2, n)
+  subroutine test_known_size_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2, n)
     integer :: n
-    type(t1) :: a1(n,n), a2(n)
+    class(*) :: a1(n,n), a2(n)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
-    call s1_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_polymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+  ! Likewise passing a scalar as the assumed-rank argument.
+  subroutine test_scalar_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
+    type(t1) :: a1, a2
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_scalar_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1) :: a1, a2
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_scalar_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*) :: a1, a2
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
+  ! The polymorphic cases for assumed-size are bad.
+  subroutine test_assumed_size_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
+    type(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call poly (a1, a2)  ! OK
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! OK
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_assumed_size_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call poly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+    call poly (a1(5), a2(4:7))
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_assumed_size_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
-  ! The calls to the polymorphic functions should be rejected
-  ! with an assumed-size array argument.
-  subroutine test_assumed_size (a1, a2)
+  ! The arguments being passed to poly/upoly in this set are *not*
+  ! assumed size and should not error.
+  subroutine test_not_assumed_size_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call poly (a1(5), a2(4:7))
+    call upoly (a1(5), a2(4:7))
+    call poly (a1(:10), a2(:-5))
+    call upoly (a1(:10), a2(:-5))
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_not_assumed_size_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call poly (a1(5), a2(4:7))
+    call upoly (a1(5), a2(4:7))
+    call poly (a1(:10), a2(:-5))
+    call upoly (a1(:10), a2(:-5))
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_not_assumed_size_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*) :: a1(*), a2(*)
+    call upoly (a1(5), a2(4:7))
+    call upoly (a1(:10), a2(:-5))
+  end subroutine
-    call s1_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_polymorphic (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
-    call s1_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2) ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+  ! Polymorphic assumed-rank without pointer/allocatable is also bad.
+  subroutine test_assumed_rank_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
+    type(t1) :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call poly (a1, a2)  ! OK
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! OK
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_assumed_rank_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1) :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call poly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_assumed_rank_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*) :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
-  ! These calls should be OK.
-  subroutine test_assumed_rank_pointer (a1, a2)
+  ! Pointer/allocatable assumed-rank should be OK.
+  subroutine test_pointer_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
     type(t1), pointer :: a1(..), a2(..)
-    call s1_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_polymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_pointer_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1), pointer :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_pointer_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*), pointer :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
   end subroutine
-  ! These calls should be OK.
-  subroutine test_assumed_rank_allocatable (a1, a2)
+  subroutine test_allocatable_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
     type(t1), allocatable :: a1(..), a2(..)
-    call s1_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_polymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
   end subroutine
-  ! The calls to the polymorphic functions should be rejected
-  ! with a nonallocatable nonpointer assumed-rank actual argument.
-  subroutine test_assumed_rank_plain (a1, a2)
-    type(t1) :: a1(..), a2(..)
-    call s1_nonpolymorphic (a1, a2)
-    call s1_polymorphic (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
-    call s1_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+  subroutine test_allocatable_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(t1), allocatable :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call poly (a1, a2)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine test_allocatable_unlimited_polymorphic (a1, a2)
+    class(*), allocatable :: a1(..), a2(..)
+    call upoly (a1, a2)
   end subroutine
 end module
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-2.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-2.f90
index db15ece9809..f232efae9fc 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-2.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-2.f90
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ contains
   subroutine test_assumed_size (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
-    call s1 (a1, a2)  !  { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+    call s1 (a1, a2)  !  { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
   ! This call should be OK.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ contains
   subroutine test_assumed_rank_plain (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(..), a2(..)
-    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
 end module
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-3.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-3.f90
index 5c224b1f8bd..50840a1ba5f 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-3.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-3.f90
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 ! PR 54753
 ! { dg-do compile }
-! { dg-ice "pr54753" }
 ! TS 29113
 ! C535c If an assumed-size or nonallocatable nonpointer assumed-rank
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ contains
   subroutine test_assumed_size (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
-    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
   ! This call should be OK.
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ contains
   subroutine test_assumed_rank_plain (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(..), a2(..)
-    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
 end module
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-4.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-4.f90
index ecbb18187dd..dc380baf465 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-4.f90
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/c-interop/c535c-4.f90
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 ! PR 54753
 ! { dg-do compile }
-! { dg-ice "pr54753" }
 ! TS 29113
 ! C535c If an assumed-size or nonallocatable nonpointer assumed-rank
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ contains
   subroutine test_assumed_size (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(*), a2(*)
-    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
   ! This call should be OK.
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ contains
   subroutine test_assumed_rank_plain (a1, a2)
     type(t1) :: a1(..), a2(..)
-    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" "pr54753" { xfail *-*-* } }
+    call s1 (a1, a2)  ! { dg-error "(A|a)ssumed.rank" }
   end subroutine
 end module

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