Hi everyone, The following program produces incorrect results (GCC 11.2.0, OpenCoarrays 2.9.2). The line marked `! NOTE` should print 1, 2, 3, 4, but instead I get "OpenCoarrays internal error on image 2: libcaf_mpi::caf_sendget_by_ref(): can not allocate 0 bytes of memory."
This may be an OpenCoarrays bug, rather than a GFortran bug (we're reporting it there too), but if any of the gfortran developers are able to confirm this or provide any insight that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! program bug type :: container integer, allocatable :: stuff(:) end type type(container) :: co_containers(10)[*] if (this_image() == 1) then allocate(co_containers(2)%stuff(4)) co_containers(2)%stuff = [1,2,3,4] end if sync all if (this_image() == 2) then print *, co_containers(2)[1]%stuff ! NOTE end if end program