On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, at 16:35, Martin Vignali wrote:
> > >   >+    Support for the nonfree NDI protocol has been removed, it had
> > > > been a common source of GPL violations.
> > > >
> > > This doesn't justify to break user tools (who respect the ffmpeg licence)
> >
> > tools who depend on a license violation are violating  the license too...
> >
> FFmpeg can be compile with GPL and non free component, if the build is not
> redistributed.
> There is no licence violation in this case.

The non-free flag was done for incompatible open source license, and used for 
complex compiler licensing issue.
Not for obviously-closed-userland libraries.

> It's not because some people doesn't respect the licence, that every user
> of non free component do the same.

Sorry, but that ship has sailed. Complaining over and over will not change it.

> > > and remove contributor's work.
> >
> > Sorry, but lots of contributor work were removed over the years. A
> > software lives.
> We don't talk about a contribution remove for technical reason.
> But a contributor's work remove in order to try to annoy a licence
> violator.

Absolutely not. The work was removed because the library is 100% closed source 
and userland.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
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