On 10/20/18, Martin Vignali <martin.vign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>> > Blocking this patch, no code should remove old filters.
>> >
> I suppose you talk about the proposal of removing setfield, setrange later ?

It was not clear from commit log. So patches are fine for merge.
Just missing documentation for new filter.

>> > If you want more parameters to be changed write new filters instead.
>> >
> This is what the current patch do.


>> Feel free to merge code into single file and add another filter which
>> would change more stuff at once instead of one filter which will
>> change all values. Removing filters is bad.
> If i not miss something, this is what i do.
> I only keep setparams, because seems the right name for the filter i would
> like to write
> But setrange and setfield are keep, with the same behaviour
> Just call the same code in filter frame, (which change the param only if
> the property is not set to auto (-1) (which is a default value for field,
> range...)

Yes, setparam is ok filter name.
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