On 10/20/18, Martin Vignali <martin.vign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Missing doc update, and changelog entry.
> 001 : Merge setfield and setrange to a new setparams filter
> like both filter have near identical code, and merging it, can let a user
> to set all property at the same time.
> in setparams, the field mode option have been rename to field_mode
> Current behaviour is not modify for setrange, setfield
> 002 : Add in setparams the possibility to set color primaries, trc,
> colorspace
> of the frame
> use for the option the same name define in by avutil/pix_desc.c
> Don't know if i need to set previous filter (setfield setrange) as
> deprecated
> (and log the new syntax using setparams filter)
> And if yes, is it a good idea to put in the log message a removal date
> (like in 1 or 2 year ?) ?
> Like : "setfield is deprecated, use setparams=field_mode... instead.
> setfield filter will be remove in October 2020".
> Martin

Blocking this patch, no code should remove old filters.

If you want more parameters to be changed write new filters instead.
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