Am 13.03.18 um 19:52 schrieb Paul B Mahol:
> On 3/13/18, Thilo Borgmann <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> once again, FFmpeg has been accepted for CLT 2018 in Chemnitz, Germany!
>>> This "Chemnitzer Linux Tage" will take place on 10th and 11th of March.
>>> You can find more details on their homepage:
>>> Thus once again, we will man a booth with our staff and are happily
>>> waiting for
>>> our users to get in touch with us! If you're a developer and want to help
>>> us or
>>> just want to visit and check in at our booth, please let us know.
>> we've returned from the CLT. This year has been the 20th anniversary of the
>> CLT - so they'd put some additional effort into it to make it even a better
>> pleasure for all the exhibitors. Most notably in terms of an updated
>> Saturday dinner :)
>> We presented our usual demo using motion vector overlay to attract people
>> and Thomas and Alexander created a very nice new demo for visualization
>> filters, command-line expressions and video output, randomly altered. We
>> again had a lot of users coming by and Gerion also gave a workshop on
>> command-line based filtering.
> Which filter where used?

Alexander knows about the complete list, maybe he can answer to that in 

> From older cases, they were not enough covered, causing users asking for 
> filters
> which are already available.

Hmm.. I had not heard such comments or not to a high enough extend so that this 
problem has made it into my memory. Just don't forget about two aspects here, 
first, the complete list of filters is not what we aim to show, but to give 
some examples to get people talking to us and asking questions (so a question 
if we also have filter XY would be a good result of the demo), and second, not 
all filters are presentable - most people seeing the demo have untrained eyes 
looking at it and therefore a hardly recognizable filter might result in their 
thought of what the hell we are doing at all there... and that thought is to be 
avoided by a demo :)

However, if you (or anyone) wants a particular thing to be included in our 
demos, just give that remark early enough and we will happily include it. We 
would like to have even more ideas next time!

>> The hotel we're used to stay in at Chemnitz also improved their interiors so
>> it felt like a completely upgraded version of the CLT this year.
>> Reimbursement request for the four of us will follow as well as the usual
>> photo upload to our social medias.

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