
once again, FFmpeg has been accepted for CLT 2018 in Chemnitz, Germany!
This "Chemnitzer Linux Tage" will take place on 10th and 11th of March.
You can find more details on their homepage:


Thus once again, we will man a booth with our staff and are happily waiting for
our users to get in touch with us! If you're a developer and want to help us or
just want to visit and check in at our booth, please let us know.

Our CLT team currently registered:

Carl Eugen Hoyos
Thomas Volkert
Alexander Strasser
Thilo Borgmann

We would like to encourage everyone visiting the CLT to bring us sample files
and/or command lines that show suspicious or buggy behavior - this will be your
change to get your bug fixed right away! :)

We are currently reworking our demo cycles so that we might end up with a
totally different demo this year. Ideas & suggestions more than welcome!

See you in Chemnitz!
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